

Time flies…ということでミヤケンを中心に鋭意プロジェクト準備を進めています💨💨

メインのプロジェクトであるケニアの「シロアムの園」での壁画制作。引き続き今回も壁画に残す似顔絵とサインの募集を行います。今回も関わった方皆さんの記憶に残るプロジェクトにします❗️ぜひシロアムの園壁画プロジェクトを応援してください📣 皆さまの温かいご支援お待ちしています ♪


The mural Project in Africa 2023 was selected for one of the projects of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Kenya👏

The mural project 2023 in Africa is now around the corner! Time flies…
Kensuke Miyazaki is now working hard on the last minute preparations!

The main part of the project is at the garden of Siloam, Kenya. And we are now calling for the portraits and sign to leave on the mural!! If any of you are interested, please apply.
Your strong support is highly appreciated!!!
We promise that the project will be the unforgettable experience for everyone involved as always.

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